Wednesday, November 13, 2013

It's Fall, Y'all!

One of my favorite duties is recess duty! I really enjoy watching the students PLAY--- and JUST BE KIDS.
Today, these girls had a blast playing in the leaves! The scene was so pretty, I decided to share it.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Stars and Stripes Forever

We are learning about John Philip Sousa, and his famous march, Stars and Stripes Forever! These students are having their own parade: proudly marching and waving flags!

Friday, September 13, 2013

Birthday Blessings

One of our regular segments of chapel at PDS is birthday recognition. We like to celebrate each and every person and thank God for the gift in each one. TODAY is Rev. Michael McLaughlin's birthday. We enjoyed celebrating his life today, with many smiles, giggles, singing, and a great birthday hat. He was such a good sport--and the students LOVED the silly moment. Thanks for the way you minister to us every Friday.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

A Great Start!

The 4k students demonstrate how to hold the rhythm sticks the "quiet way" ( 2 hands around 2 sticks). This requires a great deal of self-control.
The first music lessons of the year were for getting acquainted and learning class rules and procedures.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Four-(or more)-Leaf-Clover

While watching the kids play outside at recess, I felt compelled to challenge them to find four-leaf clover. The students did not respond with enthusiasm, so I decided to offer a little reward, a soda from the drink machine, for each genuine four-leaf clover.( I can spot a fake.) The students were more enthusiastic, but not very confident. Most students would search feverishly for approximately 45 seconds, loudly proclaim that there were NO such clover on the school's campus, and then run off to play. A few dedicated students remained...then one suceeded. Abby Stone got a drink for lunch that day.
News of Abby's success has spread. In the past 24 hours, I have received 7 four, five, and six leaf clover. I had to break open the piggy bank. And the students had fun.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

The last "FRYday" for Sixth Grade

This is the last time these 6th grade students will get to enjoy FRYday at PDS (unless they come back to visit).
Today is also Pajama Day!

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Second Grade visits Indywood

The second grade classes recently visited the residents at Indywood Estates to share some songs, smiles, and hugs.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Donkey Tales Teaser

Here is a little teaser for tomorrow's First Grade Play at PDS.
Come at 8:30 Friday morning to see some adorable, snaggle-tooth First Graders present "Donkey Tales", a musical by Kathie Hill and Melody Morris.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Sweet Treats

We have such SWEET Lunch Ladies at PDS. This was dessert for the day!

Monday, March 18, 2013

Music Symbol Art

This is a photo of my new artwork. This was a Christmas gift from a family member. The students are having fun identifying the music symbols.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Up and Down the Scale

The 4k students recently learned to play ascending and descending 5 note scales on the tone bells. Just ask them, and they will sing for you "From the rising of the sun, 'Til the time that it goes down, I will praise Your name. I will praise Your name. "